With summer being gone, my time off is also gone. I remember posting my list of "Supermom Tasks" in an earlier blog... a list of things I wanted to accomplish during my summer off. I figure it is time to go back to that list to see how I did...
Get NJ sleeping in a big girl bed -- take down the crib. DONE! Now, the crib is down, but still sitting in the guest room. Hmmm.... what to do with an old crib....
Deep clean the girls' rooms. Both have way too many small clothes lurking around their drawers and closets. Sorta done. But just as soon as it got done, they seemed to outgrow more clothes. A never-ending battle.
Purge the attic of baby items. Yeah, we are saving this for a rainy day...
Help Red figure out how to tie her shoes. WAHOO! It took until a week ago, but she can do it!
Help Red get confident on her bike... hopefully with 2 wheels by summer's end. Uh, not so much.
Have a garage sale (the result of deep cleaning the rooms). Decided that the reason our marriage has been so happy is because we haven't had a garage sale. So, several bags got dropped at Good Will.
Potty-train NJ. Hmmm... nope. Instead of potty-training we went to Florida. Twenty hours in the car each way didn't seem like a good time to potty-train. Maybe over Thansgiving.
Enroll Red in swim lessons. BOTH girls did GREAT in swim lessons. J can swim from point A to point B quite well. NJ can blow bubbles and kick like a pro!
Visit my sister. YES!! But I wish I could have done it more. I could use a shopping trip!
Go to a weekend of parent-child camp with Red. YES! And we have the pictures to prove it.
Get out and power-walk at least 3 days/week. The other two days I will do a video at home. I actually walked 5-6 times a week. Thanks, V!!
Finish at least one of the two yarn projects I have going. Well, I didn't finish one of the two... but I did complete a third project all together.
Read at least one fictional book (sounds easy, but I have to keep some perspective in light of the rest of this list!). I have entered the world of Harry Potter. I hope to get back to it soon as I have only gotten through the first two books.
Update the blog regularly. Hmmm... sorta. What is "regularly" anyway??
Considering how impressive the list was, I think I did OK! It was definitely a busy summer, but such a good one! The Supermom Chronicles don't end just because the summer ended and I am back to work -- no, they continue on as this Supermom continues the quest to maintain order, balance, and fun in spite of a busy life. Today, Labor Day, Supermom gets a day of rest. Today is all about fun with friends as we enjoy some fleeting summer moments.

1 comment:
NJ is looking more like Josie everyday! I would say you did admirably well on your Supermom List & even better, we were a part of it!
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