The only challenge that this weather brings is how to pack for a weekend at camp. Josie and I took off for 48 hours of parent-child camp at one of our local UMC Camps in Missouri. For three days and two nights, we took hikes, played games, crafted, enjoyed the bonfires, and so much more! The weather was a huge bonus for this weekend as I can imagine it would have been a bit less enjoyable in 100+ degree temps which are so common for July. But here we are in July, packing for camp, and needing to pack not only day clothes of shorts and tshirts, but also evening wear of jeans and sweatshirts because it really did get chilly! Packing for all those weather variables makes for a heavy bag!

Ha... that is my feeble attempt at complaining about camp. Because really, there was nothing to complain about. This time away with Josie was time well spent as we laughed, talked, and played together. The weather was indeed great, the spirit of the kids and parents there was fabulous, and the fun that was planned truly was great fun!

This was Josie's first camp experience and I was tickled to be able to take her to one of my favorite camps. When asked, Josie really had three favorite activities, listed in no particular order: taking hikes around the lake, tie-dying, and playing in the mud pit! Yes... a real mud pit! Up to right before the mud pit extravaganza, I wasn't convinced that she would participate. In Josie's words, the mud pit "just wasn't as nice" as she expected. HELLO!! It IS a mud pit -- was she exepcting it to be neat and tidy??!! Anyway... once she heard more about the games we would play in the mud, she got very excited about it. And once she got used to the feeling of the mud between her toes, she loved getting down and dirty!! I wish I could have captured her squeals and laughter. Hopefully, you can get a glimpse of it through some of these pictures. I am a firm believe that you can hear Josie's laughter by simply looking at her eyes...

So now we are home from camp and Josie is resting before heading out for a five day stay at Nanna's later this week. Such excitement!!
You may be wondering what Norah was doing during all this time at camp. Norah and Eric had their own "daddy-daughter" weekend, though it sounds like Norah knew she was missing out on where the real fun was. Eric has some great stories about Norah and how she constantly let him know that he was not the parent of choice this weekend. Poor Eric... maybe next year he will be the one to take Josie to camp!!
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