Three weeks ago, I packed up the girls and drove to St. Louis where we picked up my mom and we drove to Florida where she and Dad live. As you may recall, I am not working this summer, so I decided to take some extended time to be in Florida with them. The plan was that Mom would fly to St. Louis, stay with my sister, and then we would pick her up and drive to Florida. Eric would then fly down ten days later after VBS and a wedding to spend a week with us before heading home. So again, three weeks ago, we loaded up the van and headed out for the sun and surf that Florida had to offer.
Tweny hours, five food stops (only one of which was the dreaded Cracker Barrel), and zero emotional breakdowns later, we arrive to our destination! The girls were GREAT travelers -- they watched some videos, played games, sang songs, and took one or two naps. Our meal stops were a little chaotic... the girls were good in the car, but were massive forces of energy when out of it! Each meal stop brough with it a certain kind of crazy and silly. But all in all, no complaints on the travel.

After two nights and one day of rest in Florida, the busy-ness began! Josie had five fun-filled mornings of VBS at Grandma's church and Norah had four days of swim lessons in Grandma's pool. Josie had a ball learning the VBS songs, experiencing the stories, and meeting new people. Norah used her time to become a great kicker and a little easier to handle (read: safer) in the water. Lots of fun for both girls!
After eleven days, Eric flew out and joined the fun! He and I were able to get away for two days to Sarasota to celebrate our twelve years of marriage. We enjoyed a beautiful hotel, some very tasty and relaxing meals out, good shopping, and good-for-the-soul time on the beach. We got to enjoy time together as a couple while at the same time being able to restore our parent-meters. While we were gone, the girls had loads of fun with Grandma and Grandpa (or in NJ's words, Amma and Ampa). Movies were seen, games were played, and cookies were made -- AWESOME!

Once we returned from Sarastoa, Josie lucked out with one Daddy-Daughter date to breakfast and the Aquarium and a second date with both parents to play mini-golf. We got one more trip in to the beach with both girls before it was time to load up the car for another two-day, twenty hour drive home.

Now, three weeks from when it all began, we are rested and remembering all the good times we had. There was no tome for a vacation from the vacation though -- we pulled in the driveway one hour before open house at Josie's school. She started her school year two days after we got home. PHEW! No rest for the weary!!
So this has been a celebration of numbers -- of all the wonderful things we did over vacation and the time we got to spend with family. Now if you know me... really know me... you know I NEVER celebrate numbers. So this is it... your once-in-a-lifetime moment of seeing me enjoy these numbers and all the joy they represent. :) Once this posts, I will be back to my usual disdain for numbers and all things math. Vacation may have relaxed me and helped me restore my paret-meter, but it didn't change the person I am!!
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