The Fourth of July came and went with an air of relaxation and refreshment. The weather was unseasonably cool and we spent the holiday laughing and relaxing with good friends. There was pool fun, firework fun, and even fun in the rain. A few raindrops were certainly not going to keep our bunch from laughing and carrying on together!

This weekend, I took the girls and scooted over to St. Louis to visit Sarah (my sister) and her family. Everyone had a great time -- Josie played momma hen to the little ones and NJ and Mitchell got along swimmingly! It was a whirlwind of a trip -- we got there Friday afternoon and left at naptime on Saturday -- but that was plenty of time to play piano, chase the dog, giggle, go to the zoo, giggle some more, jump on the air mattress, and giggle yet some more. It is so nice to have Sarah close for these little visits... I just wish we were able to make them happen more often!

Next weekend, Josie and I head off to Camp Jo-Ota for a weekend of parent-child camp. Her former kindergarten teacher is leading it, so Josie is very excited. I have heard rumors of a mud pit... I will keep you posted on what I find out/experience on that topic. :)
Summer is flying by us... lots of plans being made and the weekends are just ticking by. As I think about my Supermom list, I am still working on the house clean-out for a potential garage sale, but I have to confess that giving it all away seems a lot easier. We shall see how the mood moves me. The girls closets and drawers have been cleaned out and are now only stocked with the current size of clothing rather than the past three sizes. Josie is practicing to tie her shoes and getting a little more confident each time. Swim lessons are in full swing and Josie is swimming like a fish! We made the trip to St. Louis and as I said, camp is next weekend. After that, Josie heads to Nana's for a week and then shortly after that, me and the girls will head down to Tampa for two weeks to visit my folks (Eric will join us after a week). More and more, I am realizing that the Supermom list will not get done in its entirety (especially potty-training - 2 trips of 20 hours each in the car does not make for a good potty-training environment!), but it has still been a good thing to keep in front of me as each week passes by. Then again, if my Supermom powers are fully utilized, who knows what can happen!
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