Lately, I have enjoyed the common-sense of the squirrels (especially since common-sense seems to be an on-going issue with our eldest daughter). You see, we have this swing-set that sits under a tree. The squirrels love to scamper across it as they bridge the gap from one tree limb to another. For thrills, we posted a squirrel feeder (aka, a screw holding an ear of corn) off the side of the swing-set to see if they would enjoy it. Sure enough, the corn has been a hit. With the first ear, it took a while for the corn to be eaten. Once we switched out the cob for a new ear, the corn was gone by the next day -- along with the top of the cob. This week, Josie and Eric set out a new ear. On Wednesday, while we were enjoying supper on the screened in porch, we got to watch in amazement as a squirrel hopped up to the feeder and systematically started cleaning the ear of all its corn. That was pretty cool to watch.... but what was more fun to watch was the two buddies of this hard working squirrel who seemed to figure out the easier way of getting their meal -- stand under the feeder and catch everything that falls! It was hilarious to watch and both of the girls seemed to get the humor of what was happening. Who knew that these animals, who seem to love running in front of cars, also had a little bit of common sense? Perhaps that is giving them too much credit...
Now... that is the side of the squirrels that we enjoy... as much as one can enjoy a rodent. But then there is this other side... this side that fills me with frustration as I find my green tomatoes being plucked off the plant and left scattered across my yard. The good news is my tomato plants are growing GREAT! The bad news is the squirrels are going to prevent me from enjoying the harvest! Apparently, love and logic parenting isn't going to work on squirrels, so I can't withhold the corn until they "behave" and stay out of my garden... so I am left to wonder just what I should do about these careless critters?
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