All in all it was a good day... the weather was sunny and mild, I had both girls home for the day and we took some time to walk to the town square, back to the college campus, and even got to visit with Dad for a while before heading back for lunch and rest time. A good day, indeed! But there were the little frustrations that just needled away at me through out the day.
First, Josie insisted on wearing her flip-flops on this walk we took. I asked her to reconsider, but she insisted. I decided not to fight it and make it a love and logic moment (a great book, if you haven't read it). The walk went fine, but around supper time, she started crying and limping around because her foot hurt. Low and behold, a blister had formed under her toe and had popped. It was raw, red, and I am sure hurt like heck. She was miserable... and I was frustrated.
Norah has taken to not eating her meals while sitting. She wants her meal time to be a bit more European, I guess, taking hours to complete a meal. I can appreciate a slow eater, but when it is because we are disregarding any rules we have about sitting while eating, I have little tolerance. So by supper time, after two other meals, I had had it. I was beyond frustrated.
Last night, after the house was quiet with the girls in bed, I went to throw something in the bathroom garbage can. Upon doing so, I noticed something odd and reached down to pick it up. It my hand, was a 5-inch lock of Josie's gorgeous red hair. ARGH!! You know, I expect children to cut their hair when they are experimenting with scissors when they are 4 yrs old... maybe even 5... but not seven!! My frustration levels went through the roof and I was ever grateful that she was in bed and asleep so I would have to cool down before talking to her.
Now in the morning light, I realize that none of these frustrations are big... but that is the essence of being frustrated. You don't necessarily get frustrated with the big things... there are other emotions for that. But the daily little things... those are the things that can sometimes drive me to the point of distraction. Yesterday was one of those days where the little things just piled up. None of them big... none of them out of the ordinary or unique to our situation. None of them were even because the girls were acting anything but their age (well, except for the hair issue, perhaps). Just little frustrations. I don't love the girls any less because of my frustrations, if anything, it helps me to love them more.
So at the end of yesterday, after I put the long lock of red hair back in the garbage, I sat down and downloaded some random pics we took over the last couple days. Among them were these two of Josie and Norah hangin' out as sisters and enjoying their time together. Moments like this melt all the other frustrations away....

But one additional confession as a new day begins...
I am frustrated with my flaky momma-brain.
I walked Eric and Josie out to the car this morning to help get them off for the day. Eric called just a few minutes ago after Norah handed him something interesting... my van key. ACK!! I had carried it out with me to get Norah's sunglasses from the van. Apparently, I put it in the car door when I was putting Norah in the car and forgot it. UGH! Josie and I need to be to town by 11:30...
Not to mention, today was pay-day for daycare. We forgot. Will take it in later today and that won't be a big deal... but it is just one more thing.
Are you laughing yet?
I am. Somedays it is all you can do... LAUGH.
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