Molly's Supermom List:
- Get NJ sleeping in a big girl bed -- take down the crib.
- Deep clean the girls' rooms. Both have way too many small clothes lurking around their drawers and closets.
- Purge the attic of baby items.
- Help Red figure out how to tie her shoes.
- Help Red get confident on her bike... hopefully with 2 wheels by summer's end.
- Have a garage sale (the result of deep cleaning the rooms).
- Potty-train NJ.
- Enroll Red in swim lessons.
- Visit my sister.
- Go to a weekend of parent-child camp with Red.
- Get out and power-walk at least 3 days/week. The other two days I will do a video at home.
- Finish at least one of the two yarn projects I have going.
- Read at least one fictional book (sounds easy, but I have to keep some perspective in light of the rest of this list!).
- Update the blog regularly.
Are you laughing yet? I sure am!!
Yes, I know it is quite a list. Perhaps not entirely realistic. But it does give me some direction as to how to spend the days and weeks I am out of work. Better yet for you, it also gives me something to blog about on a regular basis.
Today, on day one, I am happy to report that NJ is in her big-girl bed. The crib is not dis-assembled yet, but I did take the mattress out to let her know we are serious about this transition. We have been trying to ease this transition by having both the crib and the twin mattress available, but she would only take to the crib. When Red was this age, she was all about the bed. Oh well, different kids. So today, I re-arranged NJ's room, made the mattress more inviting with her stuffies and creature-comforts, and stripped down the crib. At first, she wanted the crib, but when I illustrated that she would fall through the springs, she crawled right into the twin bed. I am not yet ready to claim a victory, as I know the night is young and this is just day one. I am currently writing this blog entry from our hallway where I am sitting outside NJ's room, making sure she is in bed and OK. A little nuerotic, yes, but for those of you who know NJ, you know she could cause some significant trouble without much effort! Tonight the baby-gate goes up in her doorway -- the last thing I need is NJ on the loose at 2am!
Stay tuned.... the Supermom Chronicles will be updated regularly. Feel free to laugh, to shake your head, and to call me crazy for even trying to accomplish half of this stuff. I am fully aware that I am very type-A in this mission and I am even congnicent of being a little out of my mind. So don't worry... I am sure the reality check will set in in the next couple of weeks. Now that should make a good blog entry! :)
You go, girl! People only live up to their expectations, so you might as well set them high.
Love the lists----sounds great---but remember you do not have to do all.
The years I was teaching and Jennifer was little 83- 95 or so and I always had all summer off---we played and played and went to the pool every day and stayed there with other teachers and their children.
At the time I did think about all the work I was not doing---but now she is 27 and a minister now---I would not trade that time for anything.
The work will always be there---your 2 girls will not always be kids.
I'm glad I made your list! :)
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