Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Three B's -- Bruises, Birds, and Obamas

OK... first of all... I know the title is a stretch. Yes, I know that Obama isn't an "official" B-word, but consider it poetic license!

Now that we have that out of the way... please know it was not our intention to let the blog go fallow for so long. I can't say that we have been overly busy, because we haven't. I can't say I have forgotten, because I have been thinking about this for weeks. I guess I can say that I have been lacking pictures and that would be the truth. And I know that as much as you enjoy my words, you really come for the pictures. :) Read on... you will understand a little bit of why pictures are scarce.

First of all, Christmas ended well. We had a wonderful, laid-back holiday that ended both too soon and just in the nick of time. If you have or have had school-aged children, I am sure you understand the tension there. One of the things Norah picked up over the Christmas break was walking in our shoes. Now, I remember doing this as a kid. Eric remembers doing it. We know almost every kid does it... but the reason it was noteworthy in our house is because we realized that Josie never did this. So watching Norah slip into "big girl shoes," even with her shoes still on, has been great fun! Her favorite shoes are by far Josie's shoes... whom she now calls "Sissy," much to my chagrin. But Josie LOVES the title, so we go with it. Anyway... back to the shoes... Norah spends much of her evening time stomping around the house in whatever big shoes she can find. Eric's shoes have not fallen victim to this... perhaps because they are too big and heavy. Wait... I take that back. I do believe his slippers fell victim to Norah's dress-up habits. While this is great fun, it is also a growing frustration as our shoes are never where we left them and very rarely left as a matched set. That makes for a lot of shoe-searching-chaos first thing in the morning. So shoes.... these are the pics you get for this blog. That's all I got... for now.

And the reason we don't have other pictures is the first B in the title of the post... BRUISES. Norah has had quite a fun time bonding with her sister and playing in Josie's room. Norah also has a love for step-stools. With a step-stool in Josie's room, Norah was in hog-heaven climbing up and down and up again. And that's when it happened. Norah lost her balance on the stool and took a header into the footboard on Josie's bed. At first, we just hugged her and kissed her and all was well. That was evening. Then morning came and the bruises began to show. And I am not talking about little bruises. No. FULL cheek bruising on her face. One whole cheek, circling under her eye, and then the center section of the other cheek. Bruises take a LONG time to heal. So no pictures were happening then...we didn't want anyone turning us into family services! Oh... and in the midst of this, Norah has a completely chapped nose, upper lip, and cheeks (on top of the bruises) from a horrible runny nose. Oh I tell you what... she was a sight! But now the chapped skin is better and the bruises are gone... even the long-lasting green tints of bruises that seem to linger on.

In the midst of healing bruises, we had a bird incident. Let me first say, I don't like birds. I like them fine outside my window or even at the zoo, but in my "space," not so much. On one of the coldest days of January, a bird fell into our fireplace. It flapped around like crazy. That made ME crazy. Now, we live in an old house with an OLD fireplace. I wasn't about to get into it... and neither was Eric. Well, with a friend's help and a good shot of bravery, we opened up the fireplace grate to learn the flue sealed shut. So the bird that sounded like it was all the way at the bottom of the fireplace was actually stuck above the flue that was sealed off. Nothing we could do at that point but wait. A couple of uncomfortable days went by of the bird flapping around and scratching its beak on the flue, but soon ended. How sad. And how "ew!"

But aside from these little pieces of drama in our lives, we did take lots of time out to celebrate the inauguration of President Barack Obama. Josie woke up on that Tuesday morning and after rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she got very excited and announced, "Today Obama becomes President! How excited is he?!" Indeed, I believe he was pretty excited, but I think the nation was just as excited. It seemed to be a wonderfully historic day that the nation was able to appreciate and relish in, no matter whom they voted for. Now THAT is cool.

And speaking of making history... Eric just told me that today is the 23 anniversary of the Challenger explosion. Wow. I feel old.

So there ya go. I go off the blogosphere for a month and I come back all chatty about nothing in particular. We are gearing up for a family vacation in the next couple of weeks when we will go see my folks in Florida. I am sure with a week of family fun that I will have cute, non-bruised pictures to share relatively soon.

Thanks for sticking with us!

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