Christmas morning started EARLY, as one might expect with a 6 yr old. Josie was the first one up and we somehow convinced her to row up in bed with us to watch cartoons until Norah woke up. That lasted about 30 minutes. With Norah's first peep, Josie was ready to go!! Remember the anticipation of Christmas morning?! Josie was so careful in walking down the stairs... just trying to peer around the doorway to see that indeed Santa had come!

Norah, while not yet eager to enjoy the day, was filled with Christmas wonder once she saw how the room had been transformed with new gifts under the tree. She enjoyed being in the midst of everything, but it didn't take long to get over-stimulated and to need the "safe space" of her room and familiar things for a short while. Today, the day after, she is still enjoying her new toys. She can't spend much time with any one of them before she wants to explore a different toy, but it is certainly keeping her busy!

This was the first year of toys without the tag, "some assembly required," and also the first Christmas without a bulk purchase of batteries to get us through. As a friend observed, that just means the toys are getting smaller and more expensive. In Josie's case, that is absolutely the truth!

Grandparents went home mid-afternoon after a yummy Christmas dinner (Josie said a most touching Christmas prayer... the mouths of babes truly keep us centered on what Christmas is all about!). After naps, Eric and I drove the girls into town to check out some Christmas lights. This "Magic Tree" is quite the destination for locals out here. VERY impressive and also a nice way to end a wonderful day of family festivities!

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