Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Programs

With children in daycare and in elementary school, we are blessed with the occurrence of Christmas (I am sorry... HOLIDAY) programs leading up to Christmas. Josie's school program was the Monday before break started and they sang two cute songs -- one called snow angels and another called snowpants. This is yet another opportunity to wear her fancy Christmas outfit, which she simply adores. Any excuse to dress up in a good excuse for Josie!

Norah also had a Christmas program. Yes, she is 22 months and barely talking, but even Norah had a program. There are currently only 6 children at her daycare -- four that are preschool age, Norah, and another boy her age. This is a smaller number than usual -- Josie was in a class of ten her entire way through this daycare. At any rate, we were worried that Norah would get shy, as she often does, and wig out during the program. Indeed, just the opposite happened and she thoroughly enjoyed standing in front of everyone with the big kids. She didn't do much singing, but she clapped every time the parents clapped and she even took a bow at the end. Ahhh... I wonder where she gets her flair for the dramatic. It does seem to run in the family!

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