This is Norah, sacked out before lunch was even served. I don't know what magic my parents are able to work, but I want in on it! This would never happen at our house.
Anyway, we spent Josie's day at Disney. A day full of meeting princesses, riding rides, seeing Mickey and Minnie, and was topped off with a dinner celebration with Cinderella, Prince Charming, and the step-sisters. What a wonderful day! I don't begin to know how we will ever begin to top it next year...
While Disney was the big "birthday celebration," much of the week had an air of birthday to it since lots of special activities took place. The temps were such that we could go to the beach and enjoy the shore, but the water was frigid! Norah, having not developed a healthy fear of water yet, was fighting me at the shore line. I finally let her have some freedom and woosh came a wave, Norah fell in, and was most unhappy. After that experience, she was much more willing to let me hold her hand.
Another benefit of where my folks live is that there are mini-golf courses literally across the street from the shore. WOW! Josie loves mini-golf and takes advantage of any opportunity to play.
We have lots of pictures to share from this trip... far too many to post. So, in the tradition of last year's birthday videos of Josie and Norah, we made another video of our Florida vacation.
We are now home from vacation, having flown myself and the girls down to Florida (while Eric enjoyed the peace of the drive solo) and then driving home as a family unit. I gotta say, our girls are pretty good travelers! That said, I also don't know how we ever survived such trips without portable televisions/dvd players!!!
Today is Norah's birthday -- already two years old! She had a busy day that started with her favorite breakfast -- sausage links. Seriously... she can eat her weight in sausage... it is a little gross. Anyway, the rest of the day was a pleasant one spent running around with me and Eric to get her new shoes (she is a growing girl) and some birthday goodies. This evening, we rounded out her birthday with a yummy mexican dinner (one of her favorites) and cupcakes.

So now the girls are both a year older and Eric and I find ourselves wondering how all this has happened as it seems like so much has happened so very fast.
Hold on... I hear it just keeps goin' faster!
1 comment:
Maybe you're ready for another one? I hear Ethiopia is a GREAT country to adopt from!
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