Friday, August 1, 2008

Josie's World

Last Sunday night, this question was asked of Josie: "How was your evening?"

Josie's response: "Rock and Roll!! SWEET!"

Oh My. This was after Josie's "perfect night" was realized... she got to watch the Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus concert on television in 3-D!! For those of you who are somehow blessedly unaware of this Disney phenomenom, Hannah Montana is all the rage among young girls today. What a thrill!! The only thing that would have made it better for Josie is if she got to see the concert in person.

The countdown to the concert was intense. It started a week before the concert with brand new episodes of Hannah Montana on television every night (Disney is brilliant). Then as the days ticked by and the actual date of the concert arrived, the hours passed by like years. Josie would look at the clock and sigh. She laid down for a rest only because she new time would pass faster in her sleep. Supper came and went... and the time had come. Josie was more than ready.

Josie danced and Josie sang. She sat spellbound. She squealed and enjoyed every moment.

Norah enjoyed the concert, too. Getting up to dance and clap with each of the songs.

And yes, Mom got in on some of the 3-D action, too.

What about Dad? Well, he hung out with us, but in his mind, I am sure he was worried about what the coming years of raising girls was going to be like. Poor guy - make-up, tampax, and boys will be here before he knows it!


Anonymous said...

Young girls everywhere love Hannah Montana, why even Josies grown up soon to be married cousin, Katy, saw that movie in the theater (granted she took her professor's 9yr old daughter as the excuse to "have" to go see it). She also still loves most things Disney. I do believe she and Josie would be fast and fabulous friends. Its all very sweet and I am glad to know that Josie loves Disney ans much as Katy. Gosh Molly we would have so much to talk about!!! Cute Cute photos of both girls.

Love ya all
Aunt Sara

Anonymous said...

Wow! I totally know EXACTLY how Josie felt! I had this little girl that I babysat for when I was in school. As soon as I found out that the Hannah Montana movie was coming to Hickory, I offered her dad the opportunity to miss having to suffer through this torturous movie by taking her for him. Little did he know, that she was actually my cover up, because I was DYING to see it!!! Couldn't ruin my reputation by going without a little girl though! After the movie, we returned to her house to watch High School Musical. Does Josie like that one? I <3 Zac hehehe. Her dad was appreciative that he didn't have to sit through it, and I was pretty excited that I got to see it with HIM paying for it!!

-Katy :-)

(My mom and I appear to be posting at the same time)

Love+ Mama said...

I just saw the new Josie-ism. That's funny stuff there.

For now, I'll stick with Elmo and the Backyardagains (or something like that...he liked them while he was feeling punky) I hear that Mitchell HATES the dancing Elmo at school tho, so maybe I'm safe!