Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Grape Popsicle

It is summer time. And while we have been blessed with fairly mild weather for the summer thus far, there are still some basic rites of passage for every child during this season. For Josie, those rites include swim lessons and riding a bike. For Norah, the rites include playing barefoot and eating popsicles on balmy summer nights. Just a couple of days ago, Norah took great pleasure in enjoying a purple popsicle with Grandma. They sat out on the back porch after supper and Norah sat the stillest she has sat in days as she thoroughly enjoyed her grape popsicle.

Unfortunately, all good things do eventually come to an end... including the grape popsicle. Here's what Norah thought about that:

In other news, Norah is talking up a storm. Unfortunately, we rarely understand her. However, there are some key words we are picking up. For instance:
"waff" is waffle
"goo coo-ey" is good cookie
"aga" is again
"up" self explanatory
"all clean" not referring to herself, but to the vacuumed rug
"book" and "ree" for read... which she loves to do.
And of course, she says "pees" and "tanks" as she learns her manners.

Norah is proving to be a LOT like her sister in that once she starts talking, she doesn't really stop... even to take a breath. Oh how we dread the phone bills....

1 comment:

Doree said...

It doesn't look like Norah is going to have red hair like her sister. We hope that Molly is beginning to feel like her old self.

I need some education, why do I have to copy those funny letters?
