Josie's joy is a bigger joy in the grand scheme of things. As a PK, there are certain things that she looks forward to each week, or as she grows older. She can't wait to be a part of youth group, she looks forward to "helping" in Children's Church each week, and she loves singing as a part of the choir. One of the BIG things Josie looks forward to is being old enough to be an acolyte at either one of our churches. At my church, she has to be in 6th grade before acolyting, while at Eric's church the age is a little lower. Today, due to a variety of circumstances, Josie got to acolyte at Eric's church. The smile on her face shone brighter than the candles she was lighting and she was filled with absolute pride for what she was doing. I am sorry I didn't get to see it, but she was quick to tell me all about it once we were all home. So often in our Sunday living, Eric misses a lot of the "firsts" or performances of the girls. I am SO glad that this was a "first" that he got to enjoy with our girl.
I am thankful each day that our girls so enjoy the little things in life. The big things are fun, but in an obvious sort of way. That our girls are already able to enjoy the little things in life, I have great hope for the true joy they will experience in their days to come.
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