Sunday, June 20, 2010

On Being a Dad of Daughters

(Wirtten for Father's Day 2010,
To Eric, the household Minority Leader...
With Love, M)

On being the Dad of Daughters...
You endure being the prince for all princess tea-parties;
You are a human jungle-gym;
You are the instigator of many giggle fests;
You are the keeper of bed-time secrets;
You are the apple of your daughters' eyes;
You live in fear of the first crush;
You live in equal fear of the first bikini;
You live in greater fear of the first boyfriend;
You realize it is never too early to start saving for the weddings;
You continually empower them to be anything and everything they want to be;
You are wildly loved and adored.

To you, O Dad of Daughters,
I cannot imagine a better man to be the dad of our girls.
I love you!

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