About the week before Easter, Josie started doing some mental calculations and realized that perhaps Sunday wasn't a good day for the Easter Bunny to be visiting us, what with church and all. So Josie put in a request (to her parents) to be in touch with EB and see if he could come on Saturday. Thankfully, the EB was able to make that work and we got to enjoy a beautiful Saturday with an egg hunt and Easter basket goodness! All the kids seemed to enjoy the egg hunt and Josie was tickled pink that the EB came and repaired her swing-set -- giving Norah a new swing and putting up a new tarp over the fort. Such excitement!

Worship on Sunday was great at both churches. The girls came to my church on Sunday and pranced around in their matching dresses. Folks were quite tickled with them!! Norah was all about having pictures taken at church... just not so much when it was time to have them done at the photo studio. Sigh... they affectionately call her "the butterfly that won't land." Probably easier to be nice about it when it isn't your kid.

Josie continues with soccer this week. We had a few weeks off with the weather and Easter. This week we are back at it!! So far, she is really enjoying it! Hopefully, the weather has turned the corner and more moderate temperatures are on the way!!

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