Monday, November 5, 2007

Just Another Manic Monday...

The only good thing about getting the call from your spouse that she's been in a terrible accident is that you inherently know she's mostly okay since she was able to make the phone call in the first place.

This morning, Molly and Norah were traveling the state highway south of the old hometown, when the car immediately in front was hit head-on. The impact of the cars was so great that they ricocheted and hit Molly and Norah. The driver of the car in front was killed (brother of a beloved church member of mine, no less).

After a long day at the ER, both of my ladies checked out fine. Norah is utterly no worse for wear; Molly is growing sorer and sorer by the hour, but thus far hasn't been given the good meds yet. (Fortunately, Josie was at school, and thus not with Molly.) I anticipate Molly's follow-up call to the doc in search of better meds before the end of Tuesday....

Here's the link to the $40 car seat that Norah was riding in . It worked flawlessly, and were it not for what I'm sure was an ear-splitting sound of impact of the other two cars, I doubt Norah would have been the wiser.

I wasn't involved, though even from my perspective it's all very surreal. Molly called me right after she called the paramedics ... it's amazing how fast you can pedal a Corolla when you get such a call as that. I beat the ambulances to the scene. Molly and I have a deal that, if at the end of the day we both come home to each other, it's a good day. I thank God for another good day, and hold the family of the dearly departed in my prayers.


Rev. Sarah C. Evans said...

Never has the two words "more later" been such an understatement.
So glad you are both doing ok.
Let us know if there is anything we can do.

Becky said...

I just read about this in the Trib and I'm saying prayers for all - including the family of the man who was killed. I'm thankful Norah and Molly are okay. I can imagine how scared you must have been since I've received one of those calls myself.


Anonymous said...

Thank God that the girls are fine. I am sure there are muscles aching and throbbing that Molly didn't even know she had though. I will continue to keep you guys in my prayers as you begin to put the nightmare behind you. As one of the TV ads keeps reminding us, "Life comes at you fast" and this just proves that. Continue healing and know you are thought of.

Aunt Sara