Sunday, October 11, 2009

The (Cute) Terrorist

Who knew a terrorist could be so cute and yet so mean? You wouldn't be able to tell just lookin' at her. You have to KNOW her - all 30 pounds of her with her big blue eyes. She may smile a beautiful smile, but the way she can hold the remote hostage rivals the bad-guys in Fox's 24. The most recent hostage in this terrorist plot of hers: the recliner chair - aka: Daddy's chair.

Here's my conversation with the sneaky one this morning:

NJ: Momma, see me in my chair?
Me: No, it's Daddy's chair.
NJ: NO, MY chair. (points to the sofa where I am sitting) Daddy's sofa.
Me: No, Daddy doesn't sit on the sofa. Momma does.
NJ: (pauses to consider this) MY CHAIR.

And this is how a 30 pound 2 year old gains control of the comfy recliner and the remote.
Who can argue with cute??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How will she respond when Grandma and Eric vie for the chair? - Mom