That said, the girls are headed into the summer months with plans of great fun and relaxation. Norah's new source of fun has been the discovery of Josie's art table and the art bucket. Josie has been a great big sister to share her art supplies with NJ, and NJ has taken full advantage of the new "freedoms" being given to her. She has scribbled many a picture... both with crayons and with markers. Unfortunately, in scribbling pictures, she has also scribbled herself! Thank goodness for Crayola Washables!!

Josie is well into summer school. The big endeavor of the 2nd and 3rd grade class this summer is to walk the equivalent of a marathon during the course of summer school. That's right... they walk a mile a day. Sometimes it is just around the parking lot multiple times, and other times they take a walk around the city park. Unbeknownst to the children, there have been a couple days where the walks have been longer... after all, summer school is only 24 days and they need to fit in 26 miles! So far, there have been no complaints.
Last night, Josie had her gal-pal spend the night. They had a great time playing dress up and putting on make-up. Once made-up, they would play the wii games for a while. What doesn't show up in these pictures is the amazing blue and purple eye shadow -- truly a sight to behold!

I am about to transition out of work for the summer... two months spent with the girls will no doubt provide lots of material for blog posts. Do stay tuned... I promise to be better at this!
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