"I can't believe that I'm in first grade... and I'm only six!!" exclaimed Josie as she was getting dressed for the first day of school on Wednesday. Oh exciting times! Josie has looked forward to this day since the last day of kindergarten. After-all, it meant she was growing up! It

First grade is indeed an exciting time. Her class has a classroom pet -- Iggy the Iguana. Apparently, Iggy can take walks around the classroom during special times. I don't have any pictures of Iggy, but perhaps I can work on that for a blog post later this year.
For now, Josie is enjoying getting back into routine with school. She and her best gal-pal aren't in the same class this year, but reports are that they continue to sit next to each other each day at lunch.

Personally, I am a bit more emotional about having a first grader than I was with having a kindergartner. It seems that once the numbered grades begin, they go too fast. I already feel as though Josie is 6 going on 16... I hope we can slow down time just enough that we can savor this wonderful stage -- the excitement, the joy, the rapid learning... all of it. Yet I know I cannot slow down time. I know time will speed on by as we struggle to balance school with family with ministry.... and with all that in mind, I am a bit afraid to blink for fear I will miss it all...
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